
Why RateMate?

Keep up to date with competitor prices!

Rate Mate is perfect for you if

RateMate Features

Live rate shops

Get access to real-time rates without hidden fees.

Room type comparisons

Compare prices for room categories—standard, deluxe, suites—with competitor hotels.

Easy excel exports

Import data seamlessly into Excel to enhance your workflow.

Event monitoring

Track local events that impact pricing, so you’re always prepared.

Daily email reports

Receive daily price updates directly to your inbox, keeping you in the loop effortlessly.

Fast customer support

Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you.

Customize your competitor sets

Easily create and manage custom competitor sets based on your specific needs. Our platform allows for full customization with an easy-to-use interface

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Search for customized rates

Search for specific rates by selecting dates, guest numbers, length of stay, meal type, and more. With our advanced filters, comparing rates has never been easier.